Adorable Kitten Snuggling Toy

Check out this adorable kitten, snuggling her toy, isn't she cute?


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Got Plans for New Years Eve?

Check out this New Years Eve Party to support a very important local Sacramento rescue:   Click here for Chako Facebook Page for more details ...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winner Wednesday

PUPPY PALOOZA -- Is all about fun, fashion and fantastic freebies....Check out the Sooper tramp (DOG COLLARS) Giveaway!  You don't want to miss out on entering to win these super cute collars.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dog is God in Reverse Blogged About Happy Tags, Yay!

Aww her pet's want toys....Happy Tags is more of a people gift... then a pup gift hehe ♥ check out this blog super cute & they talk about us, this gives us big smiles :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sasquatch Pet Beds

I came across these pet beds online, and I had a good laugh.  I had to share these with you they are too funny.  Here is there website for more info: ♥♥♥ I do not get any referral fees or freebies for mentioning products in my blog, they are only mentioned because they are cute, unique and I think they might be...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Top 10 Most Unique Pet Names of 2010

While making tags this year, I came across some names that I could never forget, I think they are cute, unique and I thought they deserve mentioning. Charming Dita Von Schnau Lady Zsa Zsa Legs Mochi Nimitz Parsnips Queso Rhythm Ziggy Stardust &nbs...

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Names of 2010

Here it is for your enjoyment, the top 10 most popular pet names of 2010.  (based on my sales only) Bella is at the top with the most tags made, it isn't surprising to me at all, this is a very popular pet name. Bella Chloe Lilly & Lily Coco Cupcake Ellie Gigi Buddy Charlie Toast  I am going to set up a list of pet names to help new pet owners...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tag Ideas

This page is here for you to suggest any tag ideas you want to see in my shop.  I love to hear new ideas & have a long list of ideas here at home, I think I will post them here too so I have them all in one place.  Looking forward to reading your suggestio...

Christmas is Coming

I cannot believe Christmas is in a few more days, things have been so busy here, my sleep pattern is very messed up BUT I am completely caught up on orders, that is a good thing.  I am now going through my inbox, double checking tracking to make sure everyone is getting their tags etc. I would like to say I am done for the year and just relax, but I have so many...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Last Chance for Holiday Orders!

The title & picture makes me giggle because every night before we go to bed Chris sings to to Neo "It's..... Last Chance...... Potty Dance" it's very entertaining... I will have to get it on video! I am working really hard to get all the orders out for Christmas actually "We" are working really hard Chris has been helping me a great deal!  I am asking all...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Puppy Palooza

I am super excited to announce that we are going to be a part of Puppy Palooza hosted by our friend Michelle at "This Crazy Life".   We are giving away some tags, and other handmade vendors are giving away cool prizes for your pup too, take some time and check it out!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Rush

The Holiday Rush is in full swing right now, I am asking all my customers to have their orders in by the 10th, after the 10th I cannot guarantee shipping for the Holiday due to the amount of orders, I am having to fill.  All orders placed before the 10th will arrive before the Holiday so do not panic, I am on it! Neo my bab...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vintage Cats and Care -- A Treasury

Our Double Sided Pink & Black Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Vintage Cats and Care made by thezoologicalgarden.You can visit the Treasury here or view the photo below :) want to thank thezoologicalgarden so much for including...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Winners Announced for Free Tag Contest --

Today, ended our Free Tag Contest giveaway with we had such a wonderful time working with them on this contest, we just LOVE them.  I really enjoyed visiting their blog and checking out the comments, it was the highlight of my day (I am going to miss it). If you want to check out the winners, stop by the blog, it has been updated :) woo hoo,...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Were on YAY!

Guess what?  While I was out of town, put our Snowman pet ID Tag into their line up of AWESOME crafts, soooo excited click right here to check it out or see below photo...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Walking 60 Miles for Boobies this Weekend :)

Tonight, I ran around downtown picking up last minute things for my trip.  My sister and I are road tripping to San Diego so we can spend 3 days walking 60 miles for breast cancer.  I am super excited and a little nervous because I do not know what to expect.  I got a new pair of shoes because everyone keeps telling me, I am going to want a second pair...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Snowman Pet Id Tag

Say hello to Toby the snowman our newest member of the Happy Tag family.  Toby is a fully customizable double sided pet id tag.  This tag is guaranteed to turn some heads, perfect for your attention seeking kitty or puppy.  Available for purchase on our website:  Click Here for Pricing  tag is also available on our Etsy & Artfire sites....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Super Cute Mia Video

One of our Twitter friends has her own video, super cute check it out & follow her tweets, if you tweet! @miathedog...

Tweet... Tweet.....Do you Tweet?

Are you on Twitter? Why not follow me, I follow back all my twitter followers.  Here is my twitter link, stop by! @happy_t...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Useful Dog Tricks -- Best Video Ever

I really want to share this cool video with you guys.  Check out this adorable smart pup.  Enjoy. Click here & subscribe to our Newslett...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love the Love from CaraMagic

My new Murphy dog tag is featured on CaraMagic the blog is titled For the Dogs check it out show her some love follow her blog too :) Here is the Link:

Monday, October 25, 2010

World Go Vegan Week

I am happy to announce it is World Go Vegan Week, yay happy dance! Here at Happy Tags we support any attempt to bring attention to a more compassionate diet. We love animals, so we don't eat them! If you have always been curious about a vegan diet, why not try to be Vegan for a week, it's guaranteed to make you feel cruelty free & totally healthy! For more information...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Cat Rescue -- Cat's Playing with Pumpkins

Soooo cool check out this video.  I didn't know cat's liked pumpkins this much.  Enjoy the video...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Animal Print Circle NOW In Pink!

Today, while locked up in my secret dog tag making laboratory, I mixed moonbeams and rainbows, and came up with this Pink Animal Print Circle (see photos below)!!!   What do you think?  I hope you all like it!  The tag may look familiar because I have a purple one in my shop just like it...... except it's purple, see Purple Animal...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Neo's Love Affair with the Sun Woof!

Neo recently learned that he can stick his head out the sun roof, it is soooooo cute, we jokingly call it his Sun Woof (yes were crazy like that)!   As luck has it.... he got an eye infection from sticking his head out of the Sun Woof too much, my poor pup.  I have never EVER had a dog get an eye infection, but I never EVER have had a dog that liked to...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Signature Red -- A Treasury

Our Double Sided Red Dog Bone Shaped Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Signature Red made by MacrameByMaja. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank MacrameByMaja so much for including our Double Sided Red Dog Bone Shaped Tag and I want...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meet Our Cute Customer Sweet Isabelle

Meet Isabelle isn't she a beauty.  She is wearing a custom color tag (colors chosen by her owner to match her collar...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hallowhiskered fun -- A Treasury

I am so happy to let you all know that our Halloween Kitty Cat Pet Id Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Hallowhiskered fun made by the wonderful brizel4TheAnimals. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank brizel4TheAnimals so much for including...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meet Tiny Customer Jinx

Meet Jinx, one of our youngest & tinest customers enjoying her new tag, one day she will grow into it!  I love how in this photo she stands with her paws out my kitty Gizmo does this and it's so adorable to me. Jinx is wearing our Mint & Brown Pet ID T...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soooo Sweet & Yummy -- New In My Shop

One of my sweet customers requested a heart shaped tag, so I made one.  Here it is the newest member of our Happy Tags collection.  I apologize for the photo the light outside is crappy, so it's not the best.  Hope you all like....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

OK Go - White Knuckles

I have to say I am in LOVE with this Video, enjoy...

Catz & Dogz -- A Treasury

Our Cupcake Shaped Pet Id Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Catz & Dogz made by the lovely beadscraftz. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank beadscraftz so much for including our Cupcake Shaped Pet Id Tag and I want to invite all...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Personally Yours -- A Treasury

Our Black Dog Bone Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Personally Yours by ABCMommy.   You can visit the Treasury here: We want to thank ABCMommy so much for including us and invite you all to visit her shop of cute handmade items for children at Click...

New Items in

Hi there readers, I just wanted to stop by and share one of my newest additions to the shop, this unique Pet Tag ID is a purple design with a light animal print design in the background, As always my designs can be changed to any color and font to get the look you want. Visit our website at  to view more designs. www.Happy-Tags.c...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Customer Photo

Isn't she a doll?  Carlee is wearing my Brown & Pink tag.  She has her name on the front and important information on the back to protect her privacy...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sparky -- A New Tag in Our Shop

Just stopping by to let you all know we have a New Happy Tag in our shop, Check it out

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Order Time Frame

I am so happy and  relieved to say as of today we are all caught up YAY!  Orders are now going to be back to the regularly scheduled 1 week or less turn around.  How cool is that? I am super excited to get back to a normal schedule with less stress! Time to CELEBRATE woot wo...

Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Make an Interactive Dog Toy

I tried this with Neo, he chased the container under the couch where he proceeded to stick his butt up in the air and his head under the couch making all of us laugh at his crazy antics. He eventually took the lid off, I swear hes smarter than an octopus!...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I want to introduce you to my side kick & inspiration for my dog tags, the most amazing dog in the world Neo. Once Upon A Time in a land not far from here known as Roseville, California, lived an amazing woman who saved cats & dogs from shelters.  She worked for a organization called SIAR (Sacramento Independent Animal Rescuers). One day...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Purple People Eater Treasury

What a wonderful surprise, I am so happy and honored that we were included in the following treasury, what a beautiful purple collection.  Click here to view the treasury or visit the direct link at:

The Story of Booger

Once upon a time ... in the magical land of Slot Machines and Keno (Las Vegas) there was a homeless Dachshund walking around town.  On a chance encounter he met my Auntie Clara on  her way to Mass, she said to him "Go Away" but he happily trotted along side her wagging his tail. On her way back home he followed her to her house, my uncle Ray who was an...

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Raise the Perfect Dog

Thought I would share this video with all of you, were watching this episode right now and getting a kick out of the cute pups! In this video Caesar goes to a breeder, pet over population is a huge problem, if your looking for a new pup we recommend you try rescue as your first option, all our pets are all rescue and they are wonderful!!  A good resource for Pit Bulls is they are dedicated to raising Pit Bulls the right way, another resource is so check them out before you go to a breeder. Some...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Tags New Online Store

I am so happy to announce that we have opened up our own shop on-line we NOW have a REAL website!  Check it out at: Were having a weekend SALE yay a few selected items are on sale on top of that 20% off to all my peeps using coupon code:  HAPPYWEEKEND

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Get a Custom Portrait of Your Dog!

Our Favorite Pet Sitter Pawsitive Attention Pet Services had some big news today about a Great deal on custom Pet portraits, $70 ONLY this is a really good deal, they are normally $250-$275 proceeds go to a wonderful rescue program, check out all the details here on Pawsitive Attention Pet Services Blog: Pawsitive...

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