Adorable Kitten Snuggling Toy

Check out this adorable kitten, snuggling her toy, isn't she cute?


Monday, October 25, 2010

World Go Vegan Week

I am happy to announce it is World Go Vegan Week, yay happy dance! Here at Happy Tags we support any attempt to bring attention to a more compassionate diet. We love animals, so we don't eat them! If you have always been curious about a vegan diet, why not try to be Vegan for a week, it's guaranteed to make you feel cruelty free & totally healthy! For more information...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Cat Rescue -- Cat's Playing with Pumpkins

Soooo cool check out this video.  I didn't know cat's liked pumpkins this much.  Enjoy the video...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Animal Print Circle NOW In Pink!

Today, while locked up in my secret dog tag making laboratory, I mixed moonbeams and rainbows, and came up with this Pink Animal Print Circle (see photos below)!!!   What do you think?  I hope you all like it!  The tag may look familiar because I have a purple one in my shop just like it...... except it's purple, see Purple Animal...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Neo's Love Affair with the Sun Woof!

Neo recently learned that he can stick his head out the sun roof, it is soooooo cute, we jokingly call it his Sun Woof (yes were crazy like that)!   As luck has it.... he got an eye infection from sticking his head out of the Sun Woof too much, my poor pup.  I have never EVER had a dog get an eye infection, but I never EVER have had a dog that liked to...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Signature Red -- A Treasury

Our Double Sided Red Dog Bone Shaped Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Signature Red made by MacrameByMaja. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank MacrameByMaja so much for including our Double Sided Red Dog Bone Shaped Tag and I want...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meet Our Cute Customer Sweet Isabelle

Meet Isabelle isn't she a beauty.  She is wearing a custom color tag (colors chosen by her owner to match her collar...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hallowhiskered fun -- A Treasury

I am so happy to let you all know that our Halloween Kitty Cat Pet Id Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Hallowhiskered fun made by the wonderful brizel4TheAnimals. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank brizel4TheAnimals so much for including...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meet Tiny Customer Jinx

Meet Jinx, one of our youngest & tinest customers enjoying her new tag, one day she will grow into it!  I love how in this photo she stands with her paws out my kitty Gizmo does this and it's so adorable to me. Jinx is wearing our Mint & Brown Pet ID T...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soooo Sweet & Yummy -- New In My Shop

One of my sweet customers requested a heart shaped tag, so I made one.  Here it is the newest member of our Happy Tags collection.  I apologize for the photo the light outside is crappy, so it's not the best.  Hope you all like....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

OK Go - White Knuckles

I have to say I am in LOVE with this Video, enjoy...

Catz & Dogz -- A Treasury

Our Cupcake Shaped Pet Id Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Catz & Dogz made by the lovely beadscraftz. You can visit the Treasury here: I want to thank beadscraftz so much for including our Cupcake Shaped Pet Id Tag and I want to invite all...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Personally Yours -- A Treasury

Our Black Dog Bone Tag was featured in this wonderful Treasury called Personally Yours by ABCMommy.   You can visit the Treasury here: We want to thank ABCMommy so much for including us and invite you all to visit her shop of cute handmade items for children at Click...

New Items in

Hi there readers, I just wanted to stop by and share one of my newest additions to the shop, this unique Pet Tag ID is a purple design with a light animal print design in the background, As always my designs can be changed to any color and font to get the look you want. Visit our website at  to view more designs. www.Happy-Tags.c...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Customer Photo

Isn't she a doll?  Carlee is wearing my Brown & Pink tag.  She has her name on the front and important information on the back to protect her privacy...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sparky -- A New Tag in Our Shop

Just stopping by to let you all know we have a New Happy Tag in our shop, Check it out

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