Adorable Kitten Snuggling Toy

Check out this adorable kitten, snuggling her toy, isn't she cute?


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Were on YAY!

Guess what?  While I was out of town, put our Snowman pet ID Tag into their line up of AWESOME crafts, soooo excited click right here to check it out or see below photo...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Walking 60 Miles for Boobies this Weekend :)

Tonight, I ran around downtown picking up last minute things for my trip.  My sister and I are road tripping to San Diego so we can spend 3 days walking 60 miles for breast cancer.  I am super excited and a little nervous because I do not know what to expect.  I got a new pair of shoes because everyone keeps telling me, I am going to want a second pair...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Snowman Pet Id Tag

Say hello to Toby the snowman our newest member of the Happy Tag family.  Toby is a fully customizable double sided pet id tag.  This tag is guaranteed to turn some heads, perfect for your attention seeking kitty or puppy.  Available for purchase on our website:  Click Here for Pricing  tag is also available on our Etsy & Artfire sites....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Super Cute Mia Video

One of our Twitter friends has her own video, super cute check it out & follow her tweets, if you tweet! @miathedog...

Tweet... Tweet.....Do you Tweet?

Are you on Twitter? Why not follow me, I follow back all my twitter followers.  Here is my twitter link, stop by! @happy_t...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Useful Dog Tricks -- Best Video Ever

I really want to share this cool video with you guys.  Check out this adorable smart pup.  Enjoy. Click here & subscribe to our Newslett...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love the Love from CaraMagic

My new Murphy dog tag is featured on CaraMagic the blog is titled For the Dogs check it out show her some love follow her blog too :) Here is the Link:

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