Adorable Kitten Snuggling Toy

Check out this adorable kitten, snuggling her toy, isn't she cute?


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Extreme Fetch

Check out this awesome video of a cat playing fetch with her owner.  If you are viewing our blog from your email the video wont show in certain email clients, to view the video click the title to see the video. ♥...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Personalized Pillows for your pet by WestEggStudio

Check out these super cute pillows made by WestEggStudio on Etsy.  Each pillow is personalized with your pet's name and breed.  They are handmade unique and only $80.00 each.   To view their adorable selection of items visit their Etsy shop at:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Adorable Pup Prays ♥

♥ Adorable photo from ...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CPR for Cats & Dogs

I just found this web page called "Learn CPR" Learn CPR is a free public service supported by the University of Washington School of Medicine.  On this site they have information on Learning CPR for dogs and cats.   Below are the instructions from the web page on how to perform CPR on your cat or dog for more information on CPR visit their website at: ...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Puppy Love

Adorable photo from Imgur.c...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dog Intelligence Test

I love finding fun activities that you can do with your dog, this intelligence test is from the book, "The Intelligence of Dogs" by Stanley Cohen. I would think that age, confidence level, greed, experience and mood of your dog would be a huge part in their immediate reaction to these test but it is fun and I am going to try it with Neo, feel free to post your results in the comments :) Test 1 - Problem Solving Place treat under soup can. Scoring: 5 Dog gets treat in 0-5 seconds 4 Dog gets treat in 5-15 seconds 3 Dog gets treat in 16-30...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Brave Parrot

Adorable photo from Imgur.c...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Bark Side: 2012 Volkswagen Game Day Commercial Teaser

Check out "The Bark Side" so adorable!!! ...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rainbow Bridge Poem

About this time 3 years ago we lost our beautiful GSD Taz to cancer.  Taz lived a long life and touched us all in so many ways.  He was a one of a kind, the type of dog that you would call a character, he was on the large side of a GSD but as gentle as he could be to small kittens.  He was a talker and a funny guy and if you knew him you loved him, and if...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Interesting Cat Litter Solution CitiKitty

Last night I was searching through shows on Hulu and I found a show called Shark Tank.  In the episode that I watched there was this crazy pet product featured called CitiKitty and to be honest I actually started cracking up when I first saw it but now there is this little thought in my head that I should buy one and try it because my three cats litter boxes stink bad if I don't clean it once a day.   What do you think, would you want your cats using your toilet? Check it out:...

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